Truth Tale #18: Morning Reflection

Yesterday I got to spend the day with my son. A gift. This morning I reflect:

Today he is here. He is healthy. He smiles. He laughs. He eats. He talks- deeply, meaningfully. He listens. He finds joy in the little things, like the mini donkey rolling in the dirt like a dog. Like the warm, soft sourdough bread we got, fresh out of the oven. He is honest. He shares his feelings., his hopes. He is realistic. He knows where his feet are. He is funny…and oh so smart…So talented- to hear him play drums is proof of a Higher Power. He is evidence that if you want it, you will do the work needed to have it. He is not in a rush. Wow. I have never seen that. He is one among many…right sized, as they say. He is beautiful. His eyes sparkle big and childlike. When he falls asleep next to me on the couch, cuz…you know…family visits are exhausting, as amazing as they may be…I watched him sleep just like I watched him sleep 28 years ago when he was my baby-m full of peace and calm. I am reminded that my baby is still in there. And I thank G-d he is still here.

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